Tips for using solder and flux

Tips for using solder and flux

In addition to using SMT stencil printing, solder paste can also be dripped with a syringe, although many manual soldering methods heat the solder paste too quickly, causing spatter and solder balls. Flux glue, rather than solder paste, is very useful for replacing area array components.

Commonly used fluxes can be dripped in vials, and sealed or refillable flux pens can be used. All major online stores sell it.

Often, production operators use too much flux. I prefer to use flux pens as they limit the amount of flux used. I’d also rather use flux-cored solder, which contains both flux and solder alloy. When using flux-cored solder and liquid flux, flux compatibility is guaranteed.

Surface mount soldering usually requires the use of smaller diameter tin wires, which are more common in the range of 0.50~0.75mm. Through-hole soldering usually requires a larger diameter tin wire, ranging from 1.20 to 1.50mm. To ensure that the tin on the pad is full.

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